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21 Videos for the “Lykoi sti xora ton thavmaton” album by Giannis Aggelakas & Nikos Veliotis

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Video for Rhodri Davies’ “the convergence of how we got there” from WOUND RESPONSE

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The horse – Music by Burkhard Beins

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Videos for the ‘Anases ton lykon” & “Pote tha ftasoume edo” albums by Giannis Aggelakas & Nikos Veliotis

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imAgo – Pal/DV -colour, silent 10min 2003

*imago :(psychoanalysis) an idealized image of someone (usually a parent) formed in childhood

imagos’ material consists entirely of maximum 5sec fragments from tv broadcasts (tv presenters, and newscasters) from tv channels in Athens Greece.

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obJet – Pal/DV -colour, silent 10min 2005

obJet’s material consists entirely of low-resolution free pornographic pictures. This porn ‘objet trouve’ was downloaded via the Internet by following dozens of spam emails. 

The video proceeds formally by dramatically slowing down the frenetic rhythm of on screen intercourse encountered in through the use of multiple layers of still images in soft pendulum motion. The animation generates a perpetual emergence of dislocated body parts and figures.

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memento Mori – Pal/DV -colour, silent 10min 2005

memento moricompletes a trilogy of short videos (the two previous being imago & obJet).

memento mori’s material consists  of post-mortem photographs of children found on the internet. Post – mortem photography was a common practice (especially with children) during the 19th and early 20th century. It was . It is also referred to as ‘memento mori’ photography. 

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vomvos  cello + video performance

The involuntary and sudden cut off from reality generated by the accidental discovery of a photograph triggers a daydreaming behavior. The constant tendency to mentally escape to an on the spot visualized utopia only to jump to a different one later on – switching from one fictitious utopia to the next so long as reality is effectively avoided. . Vomvos’ visual material relies totally on found photography downloaded via the internet. The audio part consists of overtone – rich, near silence drones played live on the cello.

Performance runs for 60′  

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thermo- audio + video performance

audio  |  real time improvised audio by looper –> Martin Küchen – Saxophone, pocket radio / Nikos Veliotis – cello / Ingar Zach – percussion ]

video  |  loops of domestic heating & energy sources shot with a webcam

MASS – audio- visual performance by looper + john tilbury

nikos veliotis – video & cello, martin küchen – saxophone, ingar zach – percussion + john tilbury – piano

MASS ‘ visual material consists of religious images gathered from websites that advertise religion.



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Lost Bodies – Ypervolika music video // music& words : lost bodies, video: nikos veliotis

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I was about to say – pal/DV -colour 2002